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Busy Times, 2nd Grade Pathway

Busy Times, 2nd Grade Pathway

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These character building stories provide a refreshing change from most modern readers, offering a realistic view of life, instead of the imaginary world. Children are well disciplined, show respect for God and parents, and do chores. Animals are real farm animals, not animated talking creatures that wear clothes. Some stories are set in Amish farm life, others take place in the time of Jesus or in other historical settings. In the older grades, the books contain many faith promoting stories and touching poems. The poetry has been my daughter Julianna's favorite! She memorized several poems from the volume Seeking True Values. Inexpensive hardbound books are approximately 400 pages (except for thinner beginning readers) with simple black and white illustrations that do not depict human beings (an Amish practice). The Amish use no electricity so these books are printed on old fashioned printing presses.  These books are a treasure!