Buy Happy Phonics and get a FREE copy of my favorite beginning reader: The Robinson Crusoe Reader ($10 value)
Diane Hopkins, author:
When my son Ammon was a very bright, wiggly and energetic 5-year-old, he couldn't seem to get interested in workbooks or sit still for lessons. The only way I could get his attention long enough to teach him to read was to play games with him. Over the years, these games have evolved into an easy, happy way to teach children to read, from the very first step (learning the ABC song) through advanced phonics and spelling.
Simple, yet entertaining and educational, 28 phonics games are printed on colorful, sturdy cardstock ready to cut out and play! Included is a mother-friendly guidebook which contains all the details you will need to teach phonics and reading, how to pronounce and teach the phonics sounds, how to make your own simple beginning readers, and step-by-step teaching info for each phonics sound.
Happy Phonics covers beginning to advanced phonics. Children enjoy the games and never really realize that they are drilling phonics sounds! Play learning games, read the including beginner's "little books", and do fun activities....your child will beg for your daily phonics lessons, and will be reading before you know it!
In addition to the games, there are flashcards, spelling lists, and a 76-page beginning reader, My Big Book, which your child will be able to read as he masters the phonics sounds through games! I think you will be very pleased with the pain-free, rapid reading results!
Happy Phonics, the fun game-based learn-to-read program, is the recipient of two awards: the prestigious "Cathy Duffy's Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum" award and the "Reader's Choice" award.
Happy Phonics is guaranteed! If you are not thrilled with the program, simply return it for a full refund.
From Cathy Duffy's Review:
The teacher’s guide directs you through a step-by-step process from learning letters and sounds into reading real books. The rest of Happy Phonics is heavy-duty, brightly colored paper stock printed with an alphabet desk strip, flash cards, words, letters, game pieces, and stories. These are cut apart and used for their various duties as explained in the instructions.
The games are manipulative learning materials rather than competitive devices, but young children love the matching, flipping cards, and moving things around. They contain some of the same elements you find in reading workbooks or texts, but the format is more appealing, and the games are definitely more fun.
While it does take some time to put this together, it’s not overwhelming. A simple chart in the instructions shows which parts of Happy Phonics are used at which stages of learning. Diane also recommends using Explode the Code workbooks as part of your reading program and mentions other reading tools such as the Bob Books that you might wish to use. She also encourages you to make your own beginning readers.
Spelling lists are included so children can learn to spell phonetically. Happy Phonics will suffice as a beginning spelling program. The program includes the instructions, games, little reading books, flashcards, and My First Big Book, which has an easy-to-read story for each phonic sound learned. If you are looking for a low cost, fun phonics program with games, this is it.
Hear what others say:
I just wanted to say thank you for your product, Happy Phonics. We all are enjoy it during our English lesson. My younger daughter is in Pre K now and does the Muffin Match game. To my surprise, she recognizes "b” and ”d" without any problem and I'm sure daily practice with muffins is helping her. My son is working on "ea" sound words. He's in 2nd Grade and we are using Happy Phonics games and the "Read and Spell" lists for his spelling work. He wasn't good at workbooks before.
Before Happy Phonics, he finished workbook based phonics with many tears. :,-( Now he enjoys his English time with games and it takes about 15 mins only! Before he took around 3 hours for just front and back worksheets. I really want him to enjoy learning. Happy phonics is fun and very structured! Thank you so much!!
—A.D., Japan
Games! What a brilliant way to teach a child to read. My kids absolutely love and beg for "phonics time" at our house!
"My daughter was a little annoyed when I got out the muffin match game since she says she "already knows the letters", but after a few different activities, any time I tell her it is time to work on phonics, she excitedly yells "Let's do the muffin match game!" Thanks for helping make homeschool so fun!"
"I just wanted to tell you how much we are all enjoying our new Happy Phonics program! My 4-year-old walks around singing "happy phonics, happy phonics," my 6-year-old is enjoying the little books and my creative 8-year-old is starting to read! Hallelujah! I am just loving to teach them and they are truly loving to learn. I love everything that we bought! I am so thankful for you providing these products!"
"I love Happy Phonics! I bought the program 6 or so years ago and I am currently using it for the third time with my latest K student. :) I recently purchased your literature journal program and it has changed our english studies forever! My 10 and 7 year old daughters are writing pages of stuff when only last month I had to fight them to write a complete sentence. You have made learning fun for our family for many years. Thank you. —Melanie"
My kids really, really like learning phonics now that we are using Happy Phonics! Thanks for making such a fun phonics program!
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