The third book in the Life of Fred Elementary program will teach you:
- Reading 5:10 on a Clock
- Reading 5:55 on a Clock
- Half Past Six
Specific Numbers
- a Dozen
- A Baker’s Dozen
- Trillion, Quadrillion and Quintillion
- ∞
Types of Numbers
- Ordinal Numbers
- Whole Numbers
- Cardinal Numbers
- Collinear
- Perpendicular
Math Concepts
- One Yard = 3 Feet
- Numbers that Add to 9
- Counting by twos
- Parentheses and Brackets
- Aleph-null
- Facts about Butterflies
- Chrysalis vs. Cocoon
- Braces
- Christina Rossetti
- Sheet Music for “But Not Alone”
- Domenico Fetti’s Archimedes Thoughtful
- Exclamation Points
- Bad Things about Sugar
- One Good Thing about Sugar
- Marvin Stone’s Invention of the Paper Straw 1888
- Orion’s Belt
- Betelgeuse
- Why Not Every Three Stars Can Make a Triangle
- Book Signings
- Why You Can Not Walk In a Room
- Deliberate vs. Inadvertent
- How to Say 'Toenail' in German
- Yurts
- a Nebula is Not a Star
- Light Years
- the Alphabet Game
- p.m. (post meridiem)
- Syncope
- Sheet Music for “The Crash of the Bell Tower”
- Quotation Marks inside of Quotation Marks
- Spine of a Book
- Naissance
- Lie vs. Lay
- Kingie’s Brothers
- States that Begin with the Letter M
- Saying Thank You
- Virgil’s Aeneid
- History of Pizza
- How to Set a Table