Teach your children English from their own daily writing experiences in this "school journal" that I use in my own homeschool. Everyday my children write their journal entries on special lined paper that promotes good penmanship. The top of the page is left unlined for illustrating their writing.
As they fix their mistakes with Mom's help, misspelled words are transferred to the spelling section for a custom-made spelling list to be practiced every day and tested once a week. The teacher's section includes lessons to teach on creative writing, poetry, prefixes and suffixes, antonyms, abbreviations, punctuation, contractions, letter writing, and more.
Dictation is a very beneficial way to teach children to write well, so I've included selections and instructions for dictation: inspirational quotes, patriotic quotes, character-building poems, and scriptures. Comes in a 3-ring binder, which becomes your child's ongoing school journal year after year. Paper line size begins with wide spaced kindergarten lines, and progresses to narrower lined paper for 5th graders.
At the end of the year, we take the journal pages out of the notebook and have them bound (approx. $3-4) at the printer into a treasured childhood book. (The printer commented that these were so precious he couldn't help reading a few pages!) I developed this program for my own children after years of trying different writing and language workbooks, and think you'll find it works very well. Use it year after year, just by replacing the journal paper.
Hear what others say:
I've tried about every workbook and English program on the market, and my kids were still bored and not making much progress. Then I discovered your journal program. It seemed too simple to work, but I can't believe the results! My kids writing has improved drastically, and they are so proud of their bound journal books and want to show them off to everyone. Thanks!
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