If you happen to be a person with a strong visual memory, you remember how words look. You write a word and take a look at it. You say, "That looks funny. Let me try it a different way." But poor spellers can't recall how a word should look. The teacher's guide How to Teach Any Child to Spell offers a simple solution to the problem: pull the child's own misspelled words from the context of his own writing. Categorize and study those words using the child's individualized spelling notebook called Tricks of the Trade. This student book is a large, 90-page workbook that helps your child learn all the spelling tricks as he gleans and sorts misspelled words from his own writing. You'll need only one teacher's guide, but buy a Tricks of the Trade spelling book for each child. Student book is 3-hole-punched so it can fit right in your child's binder. Much needed relief for poor spellers and frustrated moms!
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