Need something creative, fun and exciting for high school students when teaching English? This is it! Life of Fred is known for its artsy, out-of-the-box thinking! Four books make up the series. Do one each year of high school or go as fast as you want. Each book is an entertaining story disguising a lot of Language Arts knowledge! Amazing and engaging!
The first book of the Life of Fred Language Arts Series covers . . .
Indentation to begin paragraphs
Three punctuation marks to end a sentence
Punctuation began common usage around 1450 (with the invention of the printing press)
Subjunctive mood used much more frequently in German, French, and Latin than in English
Six question words (who, when, where, why, what, and how)
State abbreviations
Plurals of words (two cases)
Irregular plurals
Opening and closing salutations
Only the first word in a closing salutation is capitalized
Silent letters
Exaggerating vs. lying
That vs. which
Using commas in lists
When to omit the s after the apostrophe when forming a possessive
When to ask questions
Continual vs. continuous
Less vs. fewer
Two past tenses of kneel and of dream
Verbs defined
Stich and hemistich
Five ways to make plurals
Two uses of an apostrophe
Six ways to make plurals
Two past tenses of sneak
A seventh and eighth way to make plurals
Unlike all other language arts programs, this one also teaches about:
Seven billion = 7,000,000,000
Two to the third power
Correct way to hold a pencil
Finding your calling in life
Australia is between the Indian and the Pacific oceans
Islands vs. continents—the four questions to ask
Daniel Boone
Is noon a.m. or p.m.?
A bus with no door
Land of Nod
Five- and fifteen-year-olds think about clothing differently
Magnetic north pole is moving
Pole reversals
Winter in June
How to have two summers and no winters each year
International Date Line
Which countries use the metric system
The answers are included in the textbook. Hardcover textbook containing 128 pages. This book is not consumable. All answers are written on separate paper or in a notebook.
Life of Fred Australia contains 19 lessons and is designed to take approximately one month to complete. Complete this book and you are ready for Life of Fred Language Arts Series: Begin Teaching.
The first book of the Life of Fred Language Arts Series covers . . .
Indentation to begin paragraphs
Three punctuation marks to end a sentence
Punctuation began common usage around 1450 (with the invention of the printing press)
Subjunctive mood used much more frequently in German, French, and Latin than in English
Six question words (who, when, where, why, what, and how)
State abbreviations
Plurals of words (two cases)
Irregular plurals
Opening and closing salutations
Only the first word in a closing salutation is capitalized
Silent letters
Exaggerating vs. lying
That vs. which
Using commas in lists
When to omit the s after the apostrophe when forming a possessive
When to ask questions
Continual vs. continuous
Less vs. fewer
Two past tenses of kneel and of dream
Verbs defined
Stich and hemistich
Five ways to make plurals
Two uses of an apostrophe
Six ways to make plurals
Two past tenses of sneak
A seventh and eighth way to make plurals
Unlike all other language arts programs, this one also teaches about:
Seven billion = 7,000,000,000
Two to the third power
Correct way to hold a pencil
Finding your calling in life
Australia is between the Indian and the Pacific oceans
Islands vs. continents—the four questions to ask
Daniel Boone
Is noon a.m. or p.m.?
A bus with no door
Land of Nod
Five- and fifteen-year-olds think about clothing differently
Magnetic north pole is moving
Pole reversals
Winter in June
How to have two summers and no winters each year
International Date Line
Which countries use the metric system
The answers are included in the textbook. Hardcover textbook containing 128 pages. This book is not consumable. All answers are written on separate paper or in a notebook.
Life of Fred Australia contains 19 lessons and is designed to take approximately one month to complete. Complete this book and you are ready for Life of Fred Language Arts Series: Begin Teaching.